
Commenti Dashboard Guide

Create & Import

1. Register Domain

Before creating Commenti sections, you need to register your domain:


Navigate to the "Create & Import" menu in your dashboard


Enter your website's domain in the provided field


Click "Register Domain" to add it to your account

2. Creating New Commenti Sections

After registering your domain, you can create Commenti sections:

For Single Creation:

  1. Enter the product name
  2. Select the base domain from registered domains
  3. Input the pathname
  4. Choose the section type based on your plan

For Multiple Creation:

  1. Select the base domain
  2. Input multiple pathnames (up to 100)
  3. Choose the section type

3. Importing Reviews

To import existing reviews:


Navigate to the "Import Reviews" section


Select the domain and product for import


Upload your CSV file (max 1000 reviews)


Review the formatted data and click "Import Reviews" to finalize

Note: How to Prepare Your CSV File for Upload

To ensure a smooth upload, your CSV file should have the following column names for reviews:

Review Content

This is the text of the review. Your column can be named one of the following :

review content, review, content, comment, feedback, body, text.


This is the score given by the customer. The column can be named:

rating, star, score


This is the name of the person who left the review. You can name this column:

author, name, customer, or reviewer.

Images (optional):

If your review includes images, the column can be called:

image, photo, picture.


This is when the review was posted. The column can be named:

created, createdAt, date, submitted.

Example CSV Format:

review contentratingauthordateimage
Great product!5John Doe2023-10-01image1.jpg, image2.jpg

If your columns use similar names, our system will automatically map them, so don’t worry if they aren't exact!

Manage Reviews

The "Manage Reviews" section allows you to moderate and control the reviews displayed on your website:

  • Filter reviews by domain, path name, or product name
  • Edit review content directly in the dashboard
  • Mark reviews as verified or hidden
  • Bulk actions for efficient management
  • Save changes to update your live reviews


Changes made here will be reflected on your website immediately after saving.

Manage Users

The "Manage Users" section provides control over user access and permissions:

  • View all users who have left reviews on your products
  • Filter users by domain, path name, or product name
  • Ban or unban users from leaving reviews
  • View the number of reviews left by each user
  • Access detailed review history for each user


User banning feature is only available for Standard and Business plan subscribers.

Install & Customize

Pro Tip:

For detailed installation instructions and advanced customization options, refer to our comprehensive installation guide.

Need Further Assistance?

If you have any questions or need additional support, our team is here to help: